Texbook FAQ

What is the educational philosophy of Sycamore Academy?

Our purpose is to provide an enriched and extended educational program through quality instruction in a varied and enriched learning environment that supports parents in teaching their children at home. Individual attention by the parents and Sycamore Academy teachers provides a firm foundation of basic skills for building a strong base for educational growth. Character development and spiritual instruction are also emphasized. We believe that the combination of parental support and Sycamore Academy’s professional guidance along with character development results in the most effective educational program.

Are you accredited?

Yes, Sycamore Academy is fully accredited by the AdvancED SACS CASI (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement).

How long have you been in business?

Sycamore Academy started in 1981 and incorporated in 1982. We were the first school and catalog in the world solely dedicated to homeschoolers.

Who does the actual teaching?

With the exception of the online school, the parent is the instructor. You may call our office for any help you need. Help is always available. In some cases, a grandparent, other relative, or a friend is the instructor.

What kind of help will I get?

Guidance is provided by phone or mail. We offer help with questions regarding choice of materials, program structure, time schedules, lesson planning, teaching techniques, evaluations, student problems, motivation, and presentation of lessons. We have even helped parents work out math problems in order to explain them to their children! A credentialed teacher is on staff during all office hours.

How much access does the enrollee have to mentors, support teachers, administrators?

You have unlimited calling into our office or email access to our staff for any problem you may have including academic needs and motivation.

Do I have to follow a strict school schedule?

You have a choice of a traditional or year-round program with Sycamore Academy. 180 school days are required, but you may choose which schedule you want to use. Tuition is only paid on a 10-month basis, September through June, even if your program extends into the summer.

Will my program be professionally critiqued? And if so, how often?

Each quarter a credentialed teacher will review your lesson plans, student work samples, and progress reports and will send you a written evaluation. Occasionally a teacher will call you with special concerns. This teacher will be assigned to your family for the full year for continuity and your optimum success. You will receive your evaluation in about three weeks.

How are grades assigned?

The parent assigns the grades with guidance from us.

Who maintains my cumulative records?

Family files are kept in our office for progress reports, materials lists, health records, report cards, test results, parent/teacher comments, etc. We will send for records from your child’s previous school (optional for elementary students), and upon request, send them on with your accumulated Sycamore Academy records as your child moves into another school environment.

What about year-end standardized testing and evaluation?

The comprehensive test of basic skills is provided to all students enrolled in our regular program at no additional cost. Performance results are mailed to parents and a copy will become part of your child’s permanent record. We do not require children under the age of 8 to be tested, but offer it at the request of the parent.

Do you have an easy tuition payment plan?

You do not need to pay your year’s tuition all at once, but may divide it into 10 monthly installments. Also, we offer a per-family fee rather than a per-child fee. There is no limit to the number of children who may be enrolled from the same family for the basic yearly tuition fee.

Does Sycamore Academy offer foreign language?

Any language, including sign language, will meet our high school program requirement. We also offer foreign language programs for K-8.

What about laboratory sciences?

A laboratory science is required for college-bound students. Choices are Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.

What if we need legal insurance?

A group plan with a discount group rate is provided through Home School Legal Defense Association. This organization provides support and legal aid when public personnel question your homeschooling. It is strongly recommended that you join this group although it is not required.

What kind of parent responsibility is involved in homeschooling?

Parents are responsible to provide an appropriate area for instruction/study and materials. Each parent needs to allocate daily teacher-directed time during school hours as needed for student success. Adequate lesson plans must be maintained for teacher guidance and program review. Parents are responsible to correct children’s work and assign grades. Reports will be provided to Sycamore Academy at the end of each quarter and include lesson plans, student work samples, and quarterly progress reports. Parents will also administer tests and keep attendance records. With the online school, no lesson plans or reports are required.

What about socialization?

Many parents are concerned about the socialization of their homeschooled children. Sycamore Academy offers the socialization of students within the classroom setting, as one grows alongside of her peers. The students have the opportunity to meet with their classmates through a variety of apps outside of classes, too, which gives your child the opportunity to grow strong friendships beyond the classroom. Of course, participation in socialization outside of the classroom will be up to your discretion of computer access for your child. You have the right and responsibility to choose the groups you want your children to participate in and the people you want your children to associate with through outside activities. Veteran homeschool parents will tell you that the problem is not that there is a lack of opportunities for your child to socialize, but rather, one must be cautious not to over-schedule one’s calendar with the variety of options for socializing.

“In a 2019 review of homeschooling, found in the Journal of School Choice, Brian D. Ray, found evidence that 87% of peer-reviewed studies on social, emotional, and psychological development showed that homeschooled students performed statistically significantly better than those in conventional schools.”


Will I get a high school diploma?

Upon completion of the high school program and demonstrated performance on proficiency tests, the student receives an accredited diploma, printed in gold. Students with Sycamore Academy diploma have attended many colleges, universities, and entered the armed forces. All high school classes must be documented, either by us or by the previous school. Credit for classes taken at local Junior Colleges may also be applied to the high school graduation requirements. We also give credit for work experience.

What about high school transcripts?

Upon graduation or transfer, Sycamore Academy will provide a transcript. This transcript has been recognized by public and private schools as well as many colleges and universities around the nation. They include subject, grade, and year each course is taken.

To complete grades 9-12 in four years, approximately how many hours each day do enrollees average using your materials?

Students are required to spend an hour a day per subject for 180 days in order to receive a full year’s credit.. Most students take 5 to 7 subjects at a time.