
Would you like to know what people think of Sycamore Academy?

Here is just a sampling of comments we’ve received.

What People Are Saying

“Best online school Ever! From 1-10 (one being the worst) I’d give it a 3,567,413…!!”

J.T., parent

“The first day of school I wasn’t sure what to expect. I hadn’t had any experience with Zoom invites, so I had no idea what in the world I was doing! Right before Math class I kind of had a panic attack, but now I have excited panic attacks before school.”

H.L., student

“Thank you so much for all your work regarding my child. He has always said he liked math class the least until Sycamore Academy. Now he says it is his favorite subject, and he is so proud to show his Dad what he is learning in math.”

A.S., parent

“Thanks for a WONDERFUL semester of art class! It has been TONS of FUN!!”

S.M., student

“It has been five incredible years of enrollment in The Sycamore Academy for our daughter and our family. Homeschooling has been a blessing from God to us. She is a living example of the product your system creates. Thank you!”

J.O., Parent

“I really want to thank you for the warm and priceless service you have given our family. From the details that you minded on our behalf to the questions you answered so patiently and thoroughly for me, your organization has been a tremendous blessing our family.”

L.R., parent

“I thank God for this school!”

L.K., parent

“I would have to say I really enjoyed listening to my son and his language teacher. She really has a way of getting him to write so beautifully for her.”

T.R., parent

“The teachers are so helpful, and I am learning so much! I really love all the students and teachers; they are great! I can see the students, and I get to interact with other kids my age.”

M.H., student

“My husband and I would like to thank all of you at the Sycamore Academy for making this possible for us, by providing the excellent structure and instruction to help us move along smoothly. You provide an excellent service indeed!”

B.A., parent

“I feel like I have gotten to know you all these years. I’m your biggest fan.”

V.P., parent

“I have been extremely impressed by your wonderful customer service–emphasize “service!” Thank you for all your consideration and integrity.”

K.T., parent

“I really love school this year! It’s the best thing that has ever happened to me! I am a lot happier student; I am on a regular schedule; and I have real teachers and students to interact with! It is school made fun, not school made boring! Thank you, Sycamore Academy!”

H.H., student

“My children have made great strides forward this year with Sycamore. We are very pleased with their progress, and I am already saving money to be able to pay for next year.”

L.S., parent

“I am go grateful this year for Sycamore Academy. It has been very good for my daughter to be responsible to other teachers and accountable for her own learning. She has gained not only the necessary academics, but also personal confidence in communicating when needed out of her desired ‘comfort zone’ and growth in other areas of personal character.”

S.R., parent

“Thank you so much to the teachers and staff who are always available and so helpful to my daughter when she needs clarification, encouragement or academic assistance. We also appreciate the monthly updates on her progress and grades.”

T.N., parent

“I am so pleased you are there for my homeschool needs. Your prices are fabulous! I look forward to many more years with Sycamore Academy.”

D.L., Parent